Norwegian parliamentary election, 1993


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A general election to the Storting, the parliament of Norway, was held on 13 September 1993. The Labour Party won a plurality of seats, and Prime Minister Gro Harlem Brundtland remained in office. The Centre Party was particularly successful, gaining 21 seats.


e • d Summary of the 13 September 1993 Norwegian Storting election results
Parties Votes Seats
# % ± % # ±
  Norwegian Labour Party (Det norske Arbeiderparti) 908,724 36.9 +2.6 67 +4
  Conservative Party (Høyre) 419,373 17.0 –5.2 28 –9
  Centre Party (Senterpartiet) 412,187 16.7 +10.2 32 +21
  Socialist Left Party (Sosialistisk Venstreparti) 194,633 7.9 –2.2 13 –4
  Christian Democratic Party (Kristelig Folkeparti) 193,885 7.9 –0.6 13 –1
  Progress Party (Fremskrittspartiet) 154,497 6.3 –6.7 10 –12
  Liberal Party (Venstre) 88,985 3.6 +0.4 1 +1
  Red Electoral Alliance (Rød Valgallianse) 26,360 1.1 +0.3 1 +1
  Pensioners' Party (Pensjonistpartiet) 25,835 1.0 +0.7 0 0
  Fatherland Party (Fedrelandspartiet) 11,694 0.5 0
  New Future Coalition Party (Samlingspartiet Ny Fremtid) 7,404 0.3 0
  Political Alternative Hordaland (Politisk Alternativ Hordaland) 3,271 0.1 0
  Environment Party The Greens (Miljøpartiet De Grønne) 3,054 0.1 –0.3 0 0
  Christian Conservative Party (Kristent Konservativt Parti) 1,974 0.1 0
  Stop Immigration (Stopp Innvandringen) 1,952 0.1 –0.2 0 0
  Natural Law Party (Naturlovpartiet) 1,852 0.1 0
  Common list against foreign immigration
(Fellesliste mot fremmedinnvandring)
1,828 0.1 0
  Freedom Party against the EC-Union
(Frihetspartiet mot EF-unionen)
774 0.0 0
  Liberal People's Party (Det Liberale Folkeparti) 725 0.0 0
  Common Future (Felles Framtid) 547 0.0 0
  Society Party (Samfunnspartiet) 487 0.0 0 0 0
  Communist Party of Norway (Norges Kommunistiske Parti) 361 0.0 0
  Common list Pensioners' Party / Common Future
(Fellesliste Pensjonistpartiet / Felles Framtid)
353 0.0 0
  Christian Unity Party (Det Kristne Samlingsparti) 210 0,0 0
2,461,949 165